The young plants are ready for larger pots and more nutritious compost

In my eagerness to start the growing year, I sowed our chilli seeds much earlier than usual.

Although they are in a heated propagator, I was slightly apprehensive how they would fare, as the light levels have been atrocious, but miraculously they have germinated into several robust little plants.

Now the day has come when they are ready to be moved from their trays of seed compost into something meatier.

The varieties I have grown are ‘Prairie Fire’, which is described as ‘hot’, and then ‘Big Sun’ and ‘Paper Lantern Habanero’, which are apparently ‘very hot’ – so hold on to your hats!

I’m using peat-free multipurpose compost and the little plants will continue their lives on a light windowsill before being moved to the greenhouse when the weather is warm enough.

Potting on seedlings is a task I love. Germination can be hit-and-miss early in the year, so to see these little plants thriving is a real thrill. Moving them into larger pots and meatier compost is the next triumphant stage in cultivation, a sign that life goes on and the promise of fruits or flowers to follow.

But pricking out, as the process of potting on seedlings is called, needs a steady and a gentle touch and I like to take my time.

The most important thing to remember is to hold your seedlings by a leaf, never their delicate stem because if this is crushed or damaged it will kill or stunt the plant.

Fill a 7cm (3in) pot with compost and make a deep hole in the centre. With a little leaf between finger and thumb, carefully scoop the seedlings roots from the compost using an old teaspoon or plant label.

Pop the roots and stem into the compost and gently firm it down. Don’t worry if the stem goes deep – it will produce extra roots along its length for strong growth.

Pot on seedlings

More nutrients means strong growth

1. Carefully lift the seedlings from their seed composter, scooping up the rootball and gently holding a leaf.

2. Pop the roots and some of the stem into the hole you will have already created in the pots of fresh compost.

3. Press down on the compost around the stem with your fingertips to firm it down and support the plant.

4. Place your seedlings somewhere light and airy. Keep the compost damp and turn them so they don’t bend to the light.

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