Editor Kim Stoddart outlines her favourite easier to grow longer-lasting crops
‘Be prepared for almost anything’ has long been one of my resilient gardening mottos, and after last year’s challenging, topsy-turvy weather, plant hardiness is firmly at the front of my mind. Of course what works, and what doesn’t, also depends on a number of factors such as where you live, how protected your garden or allotment is from extreme weather elements, how high up you are and also soil type and orientation.
It’s also very much about the way that you grow food, and not just the varieties you work with. Natural methods of permaculture planting, embracing more of a no-dig, biodiverse and mixed planting aesthetic will help boost results and aid natural pest control efforts over time.
There is no quick fix in life or in the garden, but there are always opportunities and methods to help you work around the latest weather challenges. Longer lasting plants such as perennial varieties are an extremely useful ally as they are generally lower maintenance and are better able to stand firm against the elements. Once established, with their deeper root systems they can seek out food and water naturally from a wider area. Our fantastic forager Anne Swithinbank outlines some great ideas for edible hedging on P26 along with Bob Flowerdew’s ornamental edible recommendations for more easy pickings on P66, so I’m feeding in (if you’ll pardon the pun, I couldn’t resist) with some further perennial vegetable gems.
This lovely lemony leaf is very easy to grow and existing plants are early to re-emerge in the new year. It is a perennial garden ‘must’ in my opinion, as the low maintenance plants can be grown in and around other varieties in beds and borders for multiple pickings.
Plants can be grown from seed or bought as plugs – just plant out in their forever home come spring and enjoy zesty leaves all summer long. They make a lovely addition to salads, in quiche or risottos, or can be used in place of lemon when cooking. There are a few different varieties from which to choose; French Rumex scutatus, Red-veined Rumex sanguineus var. sanguineus and broad-leaved Rumex acetosa.
This black-skinned root crop is similar in appearance and flavour to salsify but considered easier to grow and it should come back each year as long as you let it bulk up before harvesting its roots. Do leave plants a couple of years before the first harvests just to be on the safe side – it is worth waiting for. Then harvest some of the biggest roots for eating come autumn and leave the rest to reliably grow on.
The flavour is hard to describe but it’s a little like asparagus, with a dash of oyster and globe artichoke. You have to try it, really, to come up with your own take on the flavour! They are delicious roasted.
Sow from seed come spring and plant out in a sunny spot. In their second year they also produce the most beautiful yellow blooms which are highly attractive to both pollinator and gardeners alike.
Not the most glamorous or unusual of perennials, but there is more culinary potential to this plant that we often give it credit for. Most commonly associated with rather tart rhubarb crumble, the stems can actually be used in a variety of exciting culinary ways. The flavour pairs well with smoky fish, makes a nice addition to multi-fruit jams and can be added as a savoury ingredient to everything from soups and stews to curries.
Plants are very hardy and will just need clump division when they start to look crowded, or send up a tell-tale flower which means they need more space in which to spread and grow. You can start off from seed but you are likely to know someone with a rhubarb patch that can divide and share some of their own to get you started.
Rhubarb is a pretty perennial that can also be grown in beds and borders to maximise harvests. When starting from scratch, leave plants for a few years before harvesting your first stems so they have a chance to establish.
Perennial kales
There are a fair few reliable varieties from which to choose nowadays as perennial plants have grown in awareness and popularity. Some of the most commonly available to buy include cottagers’ kales such as ‘Taunton Deane’ and ‘Daubenton’s’ with various collard greens and sea kale varieties now as well.
It can be tricky to get your green-fingered mitts on perennial kales sometimes as demand is high, so if you know someone with existing plants why not ask to take a few stem cuttings, it’s really easy to do.
When planting out in spring, choose a sunny spot and do check for slugs first to give your plants the best chance of getting established. Netting will also afford further protection.
Otherwise any variety of kale is incredibly good for you, it’s a bit of a superfood all-round.
TOP TIP Any kale can be grown on for a few years (especially under cover) if you harvest flower stems for eating in its second year and allow it to conserve enough energy to keep growing. I let plants produce some flowers for early pollinators before cutting back and harvesting shoots and stems, which make a welcome addition to veg patch produce during the so-called hungry gap of early spring.
These are just a few suggestions from the many exciting perennial varieties of vegetables now available to buy. For more suggestions see www.incrediblevegetables.co.uk www.otterfarm.co.uk and www.shegrowsveg.com
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