Tag: How To

Make a wildlife-attracting water haven

A simple water feature looks great and is a boon for wildlife Gardening as we know, is far from plonking a few plants in the...

How to take lavender cuttings

I know we shouldn't admit is but - taking Lavender cuttings is easy-peasy! Our Amateur Gardening Expert gets her lavender bushes in shape for a...

Post-flowering bulb care

Lift, divide, store but never throw them away! The other day I was talking to a friend who’s a keen gardener and she let slip...

Repairing the lawn after winter

A few simple steps make all the difference, says Ruth After months of seemingly incessant rain, it’s hardly surprising that for many of us, our...

Get gardening this May bank holiday weekend!

The weather in May can be a mixed bag, anything from gloriously hot to cold and wet, but then that could describe any month...

Getting the timing right for tomatoes

Bob explains the ins and outs of growing this most delicious fruit. It’s getting a little too late to sow tomatoes, as like most tender...